CORE – Publications

Cultures of Governance and Conflict Resolution in Europe and India (CORE)


Publications in Print

1. Ranabir Samaddar, ‘Governance Structures and the Current History of Peace Building in India’s Northeast’ in Janel B. Galvanek, Hans J. Giessmann and Mir Mubashir (eds.), Norms and Premises of Peace Governance, Berghof Occassional Paper No. 32  CLICK HERE

2. Governing Flood, Migration and Conflict in North Bihar by Mithilesh Kumar (Policies and Practices, Issue No. 45) CLICK HERE

3. A Gigantic Panopticon : Counter-Isurgency and Modes of Disciplining in Northeast India by Sajal Nag (Policies and Practices, Issue No. 46) CLICK HERE

4. Governing Caste and Managing Conflicts Bihar, 1990-2011 by Manish K Jha and Pushpendra (Policies and Practices, Issue No. 48) CLICK HERE

5. Peace by Governance or Governing Peace? A Case Study of the United Liberation Front of Assam (ULFA) by Samir Kumar Das (Policies and Practices, Issue No. 50) CLICK HERE

6. Women, Conflict, and Governance in Nagaland by Paula Banerjee (Policies and Practices, Issue No. 51) CLICK HERE

7. Tripura: Ethnic Conflict, Militancy & Counterinsurgency by Subir Bhaumik (Policies and Practices, Issue No. 52) CLICK HERE

8. Government of Peace by Ranabir Samaddar (Policies and Practices, Issue No. 53) CLICK HERE

9. Bengali Book: Sanghat O Sashan [Conflict and Governance (Gangchil publication: Kolkata)], edited and authored by Anasua Basu Roychoudhury 

Online Publications

1. Report on Governance and Peace- Building  CLICK HERE

2. CRG Brussels Report CLICK HERE

3. Core Deliverables ( Policy briefs) 

4. Bibliography solely addressing the Northeast CLICK HERE

5. Bibliography combining books of the Northeast and the EU countries under the CORE project (this the CORE people are putting up on their website)CLICK HERE

6. Is peace in Kashmir and Northeast possible without breaking the Jinx of Nation-State? by Biswajit Roy

7. State-Maoist Conflict in Jharkhand-Bihar: Is peace possible with neo-liberal development? by Biswajit Roy

8. Conflicts in Europe and EU Model for Peace: Unfinished Agenda of Cold War by Biswajit Roy