Welcome to Mahanirban Calcutta Research Group Library Resource Centre
The library of the Calcutta Research Group houses a small but highly niched collection of resources, which includes books, documents, photographs, working papers, newspaper excerpts and audio/video CDs on human rights, labour studies, migration, peace, justice, post-colonial democracy etc. The library has as its part a Resource Centre on Forced Migration Studies. The Resource Centre is linked with the Refugee Research Network (RRN) and receives inputs from various sources, institutions, networks and agencies. The Resource Centre focuses on South Asia. Material relevant to the East and the North East of the country is an important part of the Resource Centre.
Resource Centre
As a centre of excellence, CRG has established a Resource Centre on Forced Migration in South Asia to enhance its research and training activities on forced migration and other related themes. CRG is in a position to develop this Resource Centre comprising a book holding and a documentation unit exclusively on Forced Migration in South Asia with its existing academic and human resources. This centre will encourage new researches on issues of forced migration, displacement, protection of oustees, and rights of the victims of forced migration. This Resource Centre will facilitate inter country researches through exchange visits in South Asia, provide short term scholarships/fellowships to young researchers and document myriad aspects of forced migration. CRG wants to initiate more frequent exchanges of scholars from other South Asian countries to work on the theme of forced migration and displacement. The main objective is to develop first hand knowledge and experiences about forced migration and displacement in the neighbouring countries of South Asia. CRG will also publicize its research outputs as widely as possible and organize short term training programmes for dissemination of knowledge thus culled.
- To avail of the scholarships/fellowships offered by the Centre, interested researchers can seek information from the library-in-charge at [email protected]
- Collection on Forced Migration
♦ How to use the library?
Interested persons have to register to use the library. In case of difficulty please contact the library in charge at mail id [email protected]
♦ How to get registered?
Step I – Click on- Registration (Right corner of the library webpage).
Step II – After you register, you will receive a verification e-mail in your e-mail id
Step III -You will be able to login (with your respective login id and password) after 24 hours of your registration process
Step IV – If you fail to login after 24 hours of your resgistration please contact us at [email protected]
♦ How to search the catalogue?
Option One : Basic Search. Step I : Click on- Basic Search Step II: Enter search item – any word from the title of a book/document, or either by the first or last name of the Author
Option Two: Advanced Search.
One can search specific book/document by mentioning the Title, Author, Publisher, Catalogue type (Photographs/Posters, Journals, Reports, Theses, Books, Audio CDs/DVDs, Video CDs/DVDs etc), Subject, Year of Publication and Keywords. We have listed few options of using advanced search.
Step I : Click on – Advanced Search.
Step II :To view collection of journals:
Click on – Catalogue Type [eg : Journal]
Step III:To view any specific article in any particular journal:
Click on – Catalogue Type [eg : Journal],Subject [eg : Forced Migration]
Step IV :For more specific search type, for instance on Sri Lankan refugees.
Click on – Catalogue Type- Journal/ Book whichever applicable. click on – Subject [eg : Forced Migration] and add key words- a relevant key word in the space provided for keyword [eg: Sri lanka/Sri lankan Refugees]
Step v : You can also view articles by just using Keywords.
♦ How to access holdings on forced migration?
Resource Centre has various documents/ books/ audio files relating to issues on forced migration in South Asia. Please follow the following guidelines to use the resource centre:
Step I: Click on- Resource Centre
Step II:Click on-Collection on Forced Migration
Step III: Click on individual resources like- Books/ reports and census reports to view our collection
Step IV: To view any specific document/ report/ book/ article/ essay please use – Basic Search and or – Advanced Search
You can also search resources by just using Key words.
For Instance – Names of Countries [India/Nepal/Sri Lanka/Bhutan/Pakistan] or key words like Forced Migration/Forced Migration in South Asia/State/Partition/Displacement/Protection/Refugees/Refugees in South Asia/Refugee Law/Journal on Forced Migration/Refugee Watch/Migration/Media and so on
CRG is famed for organizing the Annual Winter Course on Forced Migration each year in Kolkata.For details of its course readings and past reports on the proceedings of the Course- please use Basic Search or Advanced Search and use Winter Course as the key word.
♦ How to know the nature of the resource?
For Books : Call number starts with BK. For instance – BK/A/MCRG/000
For Documents [Journals, Reports etc] : Call number starts with DC. For instance – DC/FM/MCRG/00
For CDs : Call number starts with CD. For instance – CD/MCRG/000
Books and CDs are only available in hard copies in our library.
If anyone wants to access the catalogue of the holdings, he/she have to register.
The registration fee for the Library and Resource Centre will be Rs 50/- per day, for six months – Rs 300/-, and annually – Rs 500/-
The Archive consisting of primary documents collected under various research projects of CRG, is a separate part of the CRG library. A separate registration will be required to access the archive. The Registration will be Rs 1000/- for a month
An advisory committee is hereby formed for library and the resource centre. The members of the committee are:
1. Professor Ranabir Samaddar, Convener, Professor and Chair on Migration and Forced Migration Studies. Expert on Political Theory; social sciences; migration studies, labour and political economy.
2. Dr. Purna Banerjee: Associate Professor, Presidency University, Expert in Cultural Studies, post-colonial theories, and gender studies
3. Shri Rajat Roy, Eminent Journalist with knowledge on media archive.
The advisory body will be responsible for giving advice on holdings. They will also create proposals related to expansion of the library and archives; creation, preservation and dissemination of knowledge on archival holdings, digitization, preservation of documents etc.
- Click on LOGIN to go to the webpage of the library.
- Click on Registration (in the right corner of the library webpage). After registration one will receive a verification e-mail in his/her respective e-mail id. After confirmation of registration fees he/she will be able to log in (with their respective login id and password). Kindly note that the whole process will take at least 24 hours from the time of registration.
In case of any difficulty regarding registration and accessing catalogues, please contact us at [email protected]
How to Search Catalogue?
1. Click on Basic Search – Enter Search Item- Any word from the title of a book/document/Subject. [e.g to access documents on Forced Migration, type- “Forced Migration”] , or by the first or last name of an Author.
2. Click on Advanced Search –
To view collection of journals/conference papers/books/: click on the “catalogue type” denoting the same. [e.g.: catalogue type – Conference Papers; to check the collection of conference papers].
To view any specific conference paper on a particular subject : click on catalogue type [e.g.: Conference papers], click on subject [e.g.: Forced Migration]
For more specific search on any subject, you can also use keywords in the specific space provided. [e.g.: Catalogue type- Conference Papers, Subject – Forced Migration, Keyword – IDPs]. Or [e.g: just put IDPs as the keyword] Or for a more narrowed and specific search put + between two words without space as keywords [e.g.: keyword- IDPs+Women].
3. Please go through the FAQ section after registration/login for further assistance. For queries please contact our library in charges.
Books are available only in hard copies in CRG library.
How to know the nature of the resource?
For Books : Call number starts with BK. For instance – BK/A/MCRG/000
For Documents [Journals, Reports etc] : Call number starts with DC. For instance – DC/FM/MCRG/00
For Audio/Video/Data CDs : Call number starts with CD. For instance – CD/MCRG/000
Books and CDs are only available in hard copies in our library.
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The reading room of MCRG library is Monday – Friday from 10:30 a.m- 5 p.m
- Ask us questions by email. We will reply within 24 hours, except on weekends and holidays.
- We are happy to find or recommend books, Journal articles that you will enjoy reading for your academic. We can also answer questions about your library account or our services.
- Please note that your questions and our answers may be made public to assist other users of the Library’s services. All personal information will be removed from questions to retain privacy.
- We solicit your feedback/question.Send us your query at [email protected]